Sedation Options Make Treatments Easier For Patients
Whether you feel uneasy about a more involved procedure or struggle with general feelings of dental anxiety, sedation can help you. We provide different sedation options that deliver different degrees of support. Having access to these forms of assistance will help those whose concerns about treatment would otherwise push them to postpone or even avoid necessary care.
Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
We can provide nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, throughout your treatment. The gas is delivered through a small nasal mask as you undergo care. The gas is mixed with pure oxygen, and its effects will help you stay calm and comfortable. While it is capable of helping anxious patients remain calm, its effects are mild enough to let you remain conscious. You can also recover quickly from its effects, which means you can safely transport yourself home after your appointment.
Oral Sedation
With an oral sedative, you can experience a deeper form of relaxation than laughing gas provides. For people who have more significant anxiety issues, this can provide a better sensation of relief. Since it offers a stronger effect, its influence will linger, making it necessary for you to arrange transportation to and from your appointment. Dr. Carmichael can discuss your feelings about treatment and history of oral health care to determine if this form of support is right for you.
IV Sedation
Those who have stronger feelings of anxiety around care and need to arrange a longer or more involved procedure can benefit from IV sedation. Dr. Carmichael can oversee the administration of the medicine you receive to personalize your support. The IV access used to provide sedation can also be used for the effective delivery of any other medications that you require for care. The more potent relaxing effect can allow us to proceed with more involved work, including plans that involve multiple procedures. As with oral sedation, you will need to have someone take you to and from your appointment.
Our Watauga, TX Dental Office Provides Safe Dental Sedation
Through the effective use of different dental sedation options, we help patients feel calm and comfortable during their procedures. For those with a history of dental anxiety and those who have concerns about more involved work, sedation can be an effective means of making you more comfortable as important services occur. For more information, contact our Watauga, TX dental office at (817) 485-9018.
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