Payment Options

We happily accept cash, check, and major credit cards as payment when you have costs that are not covered by your insurance provider:

Below, you can find additional information on our insurance and payment options. Our team is always available to respond to any of your financial questions, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at (817) 485-9018

Dental Insurance 

Our practice is a Preferred Provider (PPO) for many dental insurance companies, and we are happy to work with your current provider to help you secure the right care and the appropriate coverage. We are happy to discuss our coverage options and answer any questions you have about arranging treatment with our office. You will never be caught off guard when it comes to billing.

Financing with CareCredit

We understand that getting dental treatment without insurance can be difficult.

$99 New Patient Appointment

Exam, Cleaning, and X-Rays

Exclusively for new patients without dental insurance. Ask our team for full details!